U Project Mobil Sağlık ve Korunma Teknolojileri A.Ş.

U Project, with its almost half century experience in the health sector, offers Field Hospitals, Truck based Mobile Hospitals, Mobile Clinics and Decontamination Systems as a turnkey solutions.

In case of emergency such as natural disasters and wars, regardless of geographical condition, We offer a modular system at wide range for your neccesity by combining different types of containers and shelter systems.

Mobile Hospital,

Mobile Expandable & Standart Clinics,

Field hospital (30 bed- 50bed-100bed),

Truck based Mobile Hospitals,

Inflatable Tent,

Decontamination Inflatable Tent,

Decontamination Cabin,

Decontamination Backpack,

CBRN Personal Protective Equipment,

Isolation Transport Bag for Infected Patients


Waste Water Pump,

Water Heater,


Spine board,

Led Lighting,

Water Tank,

Medical devices for turnkey and package projects.

U Project Mobil Sağlık ve Korunma Teknolojileri A.Ş.
Karaoğlan Mahallesi Karaoğlan Küme Evleri No:745
06830 Ankara
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