Protina Pharmazeutische GmbH

PROTINA: Pioneer and expert in mineral preparations – Made in Germany

Protina is an independent, medium-sized family business with more than a 100 years of experience. The German headquarters and GMP-certified production site are located in Ismaning, near Munich. Protina focusses on developing and producing high-quality mineral preparations which are marketed as drug and nutritional supplements. The Basica® and Magnesium Diasporal® product ranges rank among the leading OTC brands in German pharmacies.

Protina’s primary focus is always on its customers. Products are regularly modified and improved to meet customer demands and comply with the latest scientific standards.

The company has successfully used local distributors to establish its business in more than 25 international markets. Protina is strongly committed to building their presence in both national and international markets. Today, Protina generates one third of its annual turnover outside of its home market and aims to expand further.

Managing director Tiedemann describes the company‘s strategy: "Having reached high levels of activity and a great reputation in our domestic market, we are very well prepared for further global expansion."

Global business is our passion: We combine outstanding market knowledge and our partners’ existing distribution channels with tailored marketing strategies. Furthermore, Protina’s highly qualified employees provide support in all regulatory and scientific matters. “Our partners can rest assured that we manage our core competences in product development, production and distribution in-house. It is very important to us that our partnerships are long-term and based on trust, honesty and sincerity” states Tiedemann.

Service and partnership are of fundamental importance to us, and it is through collaboration with our partners that we have managed to reach leading market positions with our brands in a number of different countries around the globe.

We are looking forward to expanding into the Middle East very soon.


Products: Magnesium Diasporal®, Basica® and Garmastan®. We are experts in developing and producing high-quality granules and processing of organic mineral compounds (citrates in particular). Our products are manufactured exclusively in Germany in compliance with strict production guidelines and continuous quality control.

Protina Pharmazeutische GmbH
Protina Pharmazeutische GmbH
Adalperostraße 37
85737 Ismaning
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