Omniscreen is a business name and a trademark of O7 Technologies Pty Ltd. We are a privately funded, Australian owned firm and a memeber of CombiTel Group. The company was founded in 2011 as a spin-off from the software development team at CombiTel, Australia's leading IPTV systems integrator and equipment supplier.

Meaning “all screens”, Omniscreen was founded to address the market demand for next generation enterprise applications. We deliver rich media across converged networks including TV, radio and digital signage.

Our flagship product, Omniscreen Pilot, incorporates a highly scalable and reliable server platform as well as a suite of applications designed to address a number of key vertical markets including Aged Care, Education, Corporate, Healthcare, Hospitality, Government, Public Venues and Workforce Accommodation.

U12 347 Bay Road
3192 Cheltenham

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