STIMAWELL120MTRS-Backmat system
schwa-medico GmbH (Ehringshausen - DE)
StimaWell - Dynamic deep stimulation, the new dimension of electrostimulation The patented StimaWell System - a revolution in electrostimulationThe system integrates 12 channels, which are operated sequentially (meaning one after the other), administering a dynamic, wavelike stimulation. This kind of stimulation opens new therapeutic ways to the back stimulation. StimaWELL is a multidimensional electro-stimulation which barely differs from traditional manual massage: the feeling of a manual massage in the deep musculature is achieved in a way which has not been implemented in another traditional electro-stimulator on the market so far.Different massage effects can be achieved by the diversity of the administered wavelike frequency ranges: tapping massage thanks to low frequency stimulation, kneading and stroking massage thanks to midfrequency stimulation or a combination of both types.StimaWELL further integrates a heat therapy which strengthens the depth effects of the massage. The stimulation mattress heats up to approximately 40°C offering an exceptional sense of well-being.The mattress with the integrated electrodes is a real innovation offering a quick and very comfortable style.