EPIGLU® - the universal tissue adhesive

Meyer-Haake GmbH Medical Innovations (Ober-Moerlen - DE)

The tissue adhesive EPIGLU® is an ethyl-2-cyanacrylate with many advantages for the medical practice, the OR, ambulance, dentists and nursing care. EPIGLU® is more economic than sutures. This acrylate polymerizes very quickly and closes even wound edges which are under tension. Irrespective of the length, all cuts, lacerations and surgical incisions can be closed infection-free with EPIGLU®. For patients it is less painful because there are no stitch channels and no tensile strength. EPIGLU® detaches itself from the skin after 8–10 days like a scab.



•Polymerizes very quickly

•Extremely tear-proof

•Long shelf life:
2 years (Single Dose)
3 years (Tube)

•Remains in a liquid state even when frozen

•Immediately ready to use

•Also approved for application on the mucosa (oral mucosa and external genitalia) and also for animal woundcare even when those are for food production

